Getting Your Pool Ready For Use After Winter

During winter, people rarely use their pools due to the cold season and wet weather. After winter, summer comes, and the weather becomes favorable for using the pool. However, before you reopen your poor after a Phoenix winter, there are some considerations you need to make. According to pool repair Phoenix, the pool needs to be cleaned, any debri or dirt in the pool removed and the proper chemical balance of the pool water restored. It goes without saying that the water that had been in the pool throughout winter should be drained off. Such water may have turned greenish and as such can cause serious ailments.

Pool repair Phoenix has it that during winter, you should not empty the pool unless you damage-to-pool-during-winterneed some structural repairs done to it. There are many damages that can occur when the pool is left empty for months. For instance, pools in areas that have a high water table can develop cracks on the bottom surface as there is no water in the pool to counter the pressure caused the high water table. We suggest closing your pool during winter.

After reopening your pool at the end of winter, you should not fill in water and start swimming immediately. Instead, you should allow up to a week for the pool to be completely clean and free of bacteria that may have been brought about by still water in the pool. In addition to this, you should take a sample of the water to be tested in a laboratory. These tests help in analyzing the water to determine if the chemical balance in the water is correct. Pool repair Phoenix AZ also requires that the PH levels of the water to be examined during the lab tests. Ideally, the PH level of pool water should be between 7.2 and 7.4.

spa-enclosure-from-snowThe pool’s filter should be cleaned thoroughly after reopening. This is because, during winter, debris such as leaves and branches find their way into the pool. When the debris settles on the base of the pool, it then finds its way to the filter. Clean the filter on a daily basis until the water becomes crystal clear. It is advisable that you should only uncover the pool after you have removed all the debris and any form of dirt.

In addition to cleaning the pool, you also have to ensure that the area around it is also clean. Pool repair Phoenix has it that if these areas are left unattended to, it is quite pool-enclosure-wintereasy for leaves and other unwanted debris to find their way into the pool again. Once the pool is ready to welcome the sweltering Arizona heat. Your goal will be to maintain it well by cleaning it regularly, vacuuming the pool at least once every week, and testing the chemical balance regularly.